Tourmaline Box
碧璽 碎石禮盒(含原礦碎) 。
望望自己手上的碧璽手鍊,通常什麼顏色也有,價格亦因為顏色同質素而有上落,圖中有6種對比色同狀態,沒有打磨的原礦永遠都會名貴些,這裡包含了:彩色、粉藍 及 翠綠,另有深藍色 及 西瓜色,
每樽大概有 16-20g / 80-100ct,歡迎獨立購買,整盒購絕對較優惠。
「As a healing crystal, tourmaline helps you understand yourself and others, promotes self-confidence, and lessens fear. It attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance, and prosperity. As a powerful mental healer, tourmaline balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain and changes negative energy into positive.」-from internet。